* work in progress *
To change your password:
- Log in to your FormsByAir account
- Select your email address at the top right-hand corner of the screen
- Select “Change Password” from the top of the menu
- Complete the fields for “Current Password”, “New Password” and “Confirm Password”
- You can Setup Two Factor Authentication by selecting the button and following the instructions (these steps assume the Google Authenticator app is installed on your device)
- Select “Change” Password to complete the process.
What is Two Factor Authentication?
In addition to the ‘Email Address and Password’combination to log in the FormsByAir portal an extra layer of security can be added. FormsByAir uses the Google Authenticator app to add Two Factor authentication (2FA) to your login process. This generates an additional one-time password which must be entered in addition to the ‘Email Address and Password’ combination.