Private download links can be used to authenticate access to private online resources. We currently support Amazon S3 only but more storage services will be added in future.
The sample URL below points to a PDF file in a private Amazon S3 bucket that should only be accessible to a particular user.
Because the bucket is private, the URL on it’s own cannot be used to download the file.
To allow access, URLs for private resouces should be prefixed as follows:
This example is a relative link for use within a form, but an absolute link can also be used e.g. in an email
When accessing the link, FormsByAir will check for a valid “Private Form” authentication ticket. If one does not exist the user will be redirected to the login page for the account.
At login, FormsByAir scans the response from the validation request (from a data table or API) for URLs from supported storage services, and stores a hash of each one against the authentication ticket.
This allows us to compare a hash of both the full URL and Hostname being requested to hash codes in the ticket. If there’s a match, we read the file from the storage service using credentials in the FormsByAir account, and return it to the user.
“Private Form” authentication cookies are session-based and expire after 2 hours.