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Send form data in a file.


File Format

Files that don’t use a map or template will contain all non-hidden form data apart from the Exclusion List.

Format Note Map/Template Output  
CSV From Template Comma Separated Values file      
Excel Workbook     Sample  
Excel Workbook From Template        
JSON Uses Question Tags for property names if set, otherwise Question Id   Sample  
JSON From Map   Sample Sample  
PDF     Sample  
PDF From Template        
PDF From Attached Template Uses template from Attachment within a document      
PDF From Fillable PDF Populates PDF fields by name      
Text From Template        
Web Page HTML file   Sample  
Word Document     Sample  
Word Document From Template        
XML Document Native FormsByAir XML document   Sample  
XML From Template        
XML From Map   Sample Sample  

Exclusion List

List of tags to exclude from files that don’t use a map or template, for example: <<Introduction>><<RiskRating>>