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These tags reference system and document information as opposed to form data.

System tag names are enclosed in <<[ and ]>> to differentiate from form tags.

<<[DocumentId]>> can be used client and server side, all other system tags can only be used server side.

Document Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<[DocumentId]>> Unique Document Id 0745807e-5d2e-4cfb-9f80-85351223bd92
<<[DocumentFormId]>> Unique Form Id 9115689f-ce57-492b-9e14-6dc6bb239dbf
<<[DocumentFormName]>> Form name Application Form
<<[DocumentFormShortName]>> Form short name application-form
<<[DocumentFormVersion]>> Form version for document 10
<<[ParentDocumentId]>> Unique Document Id for parent of third party request 281daeee-494c-4ef3-b90b-1a05374d22cb
<<[DocumentReference]>> Document reference ABC123 Joe Bloggs
<<[DocumentBatchReference]>> Batch reference for imported documents Batch001
<<[DocumentStatus]>> Current document status Workflow
<<[DocumentReceivedDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document was received 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentRequestedUserEmail]>> Email address of User that requested document
<<[DocumentRequestedDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document was requested 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentStartedDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document was started 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentExpiryDateTime]>> Local DateTime that requested document will expire 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentPurgedDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document was purged 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentOwnerName]>> Account name FormsByAir
<<[DocumentUserName]>> Name of User that submitted document Joe Bloggs
<<[DocumentUserEmail]>> Email address of User that submitted document
<<[DocumentUserManagerEmail]>> Email address of Manager for User that submitted document
<<[DocumentStage]>> Last submitted stage where form is configured for staged submission Enquiry
<<[DocumentReferrer]>> First Referrer header to access the document
<<[DocumentIpAddress]>> Last IP address to access the document
<<[DocumentUserAgent]>> Last Useragent to access the document Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
<<[DocumentRequestedEmail]>> Email address that document was requested for
<<[DocumentSubmitCode]>> Current submit code ABC123

Document Workflow Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<[DocumentWorkflowStatus]>> Current document workflow status Pending
<<[DocumentWorkflowUserName]>> Name of User that document is currently assigned to Jane Bloggs
<<[DocumentWorkflowUserEmail]>> Email address of User that document is currently assigned to
<<[DocumentWorkflowUserManagerEmail]>> Email address of Manager for User that document is currently assigned to
<<[DocumentWorkflowUserName: WorkflowStatus]>> Name of User that document was last assigned to for a given status Jane Bloggs
<<[DocumentWorkflowUserEmail: WorkflowStatus]>> Email address of User that document was last assigned to for a given status
<<[DocumentWorkflowByUserName: WorkflowStatus]>> Name of User that last changed document to a given status Joe Bloggs
<<[DocumentWorkflowByUserEmail: WorkflowStatus]>> Email address of User that last changed document to a given status
<<[DocumentWorkflowComment: WorkflowStatus]>> Last Comment for a given status Please review
<<[DocumentWorkflowDateTime: WorkflowStatus]>> Last Local DateTime for a given status 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00

See Document Workflow Status for a list of workflow status names

Document Workflow Tags (Deprecated)

Tag Definition Example
<<[DocumentWorkflowAssignmentUserName]>> Name of User that assigned document Mary Bloggs
<<[DocumentWorkflowAssignmentUserEmail]>> Email address of User that assigned document
<<[DocumentWorkflowAssignmentComment]>> Comment associated with assignment of document to current user Please review
<<[DocumentWorkflowApprovalUserName]>> Name of User that approved document Mary Bloggs
<<[DocumentWorkflowApprovalUserEmail]>> Email address of User that approved document
<<[DocumentWorkflowApprovalDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document was approved 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentWorkflowDeclineComment]>> Comment associated with declining a document Does not meet our criteria
<<[DocumentWorkflowDeauthoriseComment]>> Comment associated with deauthorising a document Something has changed
<<[DocumentWorkflowReturnComment]>> Comment associated with returning a document Please correct your information
<<[DocumentWorkflowComment]>> Latest workflow comment for a document Waiting for feedback

Document Delivery Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<[DocumentDeliveryId]>> Unique Document Delivery Id 3a09db8d-4582-45b3-8c67-40b1fdb95298
<<[DocumentDeliveryDateTime]>> Local DateTime that document delivery was queued 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DocumentDeliveryFileId]>> Last queued file delivery id bfef5a5f-bd0b-464f-a219-b689fdfcbe85
<<[DocumentDeliveryReference: DeliveryChannelName or SubscriptionId]>> Last successful delivery reference for a given delivery channel or subscription 132345564
<<[DocumentDeliveryLink: DeliveryChannelName or SubscriptionId]>> Last successful delivery link for a given delivery channel or subscription
<<[DocumentDeliveryException: DeliveryChannelName or SubscriptionId]>> Last exception (if any) for a given delivery channel or subscription Email bounce

Section/Validation Property Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<Example.[SectionValidationResult]>> Current status of validation Pass, Fail, Check, Ok, Requesting, Captured
<<Example.[SectionValidationDateTime]>> Local DateTime that status changed 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<Example.[SectionValidationReference]>> Unique reference returned from validation service e6a267fa-ebc7-4d65-b506-8cad4e835aa8
<<Example.[SectionValidationMessage]>> Message returned from validation service Partial pass, facial match needs review
<<Example.[SectionValidationData]>> Data returned from validation service {"name": "test"}
<<Example.[DocumentDeliveryId]>> Associated Document Delivery Id b664b162-78c3-49da-b4aa-2c69f3cf6f4e

Aggregate Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<[BatchId]>> Unique Batch Id 0745807e-5d2e-4cfb-9f80-85351223bd92
<<[BatchRunDateTime]>> Local DateTime that batch started running 1 Nov 2018 11:00.00
<<[DetailLineCount]>> Number of detail lines in batch 10
<<[TotalLineCount]>> Total number of lines in batch including header, detail and footer 12
<<[Filename]>> Batch file name batch.txt

Miscellaneous Tags

Tag Definition Example
<<[BaseURL]>> Base URL for account
<<[FileNumber]>> Sequential number for a file attachment 1
<<[Filter]>> Used to filter the response in a Lookup integration for a Typeahead joe bl
<<RequestEmailMessage>> Third party request message Hi Joe, please add your details to this form